How To Start Prepping Basics: Essential Survival Skills

Understanding Individual Calorie Needs And The Importance Of High-Protein Foods

When it comes to prepping, it’s crucial to understand how much food to prepare based on individual calorie needs. This will vary depending on factors such as age, sex, activity level, and body type. Knowing these needs will ensure you are adequately nourished during an emergency situation.

High-protein and high-energy foods are especially valuable in these scenarios. They provide the necessary nutrients and calories to keep your body functioning optimally. Foods such as lean meats, beans, nuts, and seeds are excellent sources of protein. Including these in your stockpile will help sustain your energy levels and muscle integrity during times of crisis.


  • Bolded “crucial” and “optimally” to emphasize their importance.
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Stocking Up On Water: Quantity And Sources

Water is essential for survival. It is recommended to store at least 14 gallons of clean drinking water for a two-week period. This quantity accounts for the daily water requirements of every individual in your household.

In addition to purchasing bottled water, it’s also wise to consider collecting rainwater as a water source. Rainwater can be used for drinking, cooking, cleaning, and other household chores during infrastructure failure. To collect rainwater effectively, make sure to set up barrels or tanks that can capture and store the water.

The Importance Of Food And Water Stockpiles

During emergencies, food and water are the first products to disappear from store shelves. This is why building your own stockpile is incredibly important. The Valley Food Storage 7-Day Survival Food Kit serves as an excellent starting point for your food stockpile. Priced at $149.95, this kit provides over 2,000 calories per day. It includes 5 entrées, 2 breakfasts, and freeze-dried apples. With a 25-year shelf life, you can be confident in its durability and longevity.

It is equally important to have a sufficient supply of water. Two weeks’ worth of clean drinking water, as mentioned earlier, is recommended for each household member. This will provide you with a buffer while alternative water sources are secured or treated.

  • Food and water should be prioritized during emergencies
  • Building your own stockpile is crucial
  • Consider purchasing the Valley Food Storage 7-Day Survival Food Kit for a convenient starter
  • The kit provides over 2,000 calories per day and has a 25-year shelf life
  • Ensure you have two weeks’ worth of clean drinking water for each household member.

Collecting And Utilizing Rainwater For Survival

In the realm of prepping, collecting rainwater is an essential skill. Whether you are facing a natural disaster or a breakdown in infrastructure, having a plan for rainwater collection and utilization is vital.

Rainwater can serve as a valuable resource for drinking, cooking, cleaning, and other household chores. To effectively collect rainwater, set up barrels or tanks with proper filtration systems. It’s important to ensure these storage systems are clean and properly maintained. Filtering and treating the collected rainwater will ensure it is safe for consumption and other uses.

  • Collecting rainwater is an essential skill in the realm of prepping.
  • Rainwater can be used for drinking, cooking, cleaning, and other household chores.
  • Set up barrels or tanks with proper filtration systems to effectively collect rainwater.
  • Clean and properly maintain the storage systems.
  • Filter and treat the collected rainwater for safe consumption.

First Aid Supplies: Essential For Emergencies

When emergencies strike, hospitals may become overwhelmed or inaccessible. Having first aid supplies on hand is crucial. Building a comprehensive first aid kit is recommended, consisting of essential items such as:

  • Bandages
  • Antiseptic wipes
  • Adhesive tape
  • Antibiotic ointment
  • Pain relievers

In addition to standard first aid supplies, it’s important to consider specific needs or conditions for individuals in your household. This may include:

  • Prescription medications
  • Inhalers
  • EpiPens
  • Other necessary medical supplies

Ensuring you have an ample stockpile of these items will help maintain health and safety during emergencies.

Prescriptions And Medications: Prepping For Medical Needs

In line with first aid supplies, it’s imperative to stockpile prescription medications if they are required for your health or the health of your household members. These medications help manage chronic conditions and should be readily available during an emergency.

To ensure you have an adequate supply, speak with your healthcare provider about obtaining an extra prescription refill for emergency purposes. This will allow you to maintain your medication regimen even in situations where access to medical care may be limited or nonexistent.

Developing First Aid Skills And Training Opportunities

Having the proper supplies is only part of the equation – knowing how to use them effectively is equally important. It is highly beneficial for preppers to gain first aid skills through training with organizations like the Red Cross. These training opportunities provide valuable knowledge and hands-on practice for responding to various emergency situations.

By taking courses and workshops, you will learn essential skills such as wound management, CPR, and basic life support. This knowledge can make a significant difference in emergency situations when medical professionals may not be readily available.

  • Gain first aid skills through training with organizations like the Red Cross
  • Learn essential skills such as wound management, CPR, and basic life support

“Having the proper supplies is only part of the equation – knowing how to use them effectively is equally important.”

Hygiene And Sanitation Products: Essential For Maintaining Cleanliness

During emergencies, maintaining proper hygiene and sanitation is crucial for preventing the spread of diseases. Stocking up on hygiene and sanitation products will ensure you can stay clean and healthy.

Items such as:

  • hand sanitizers
  • wet wipes
  • soap
  • hair products
  • feminine hygiene products
  • dental care items
  • toiletries

should be included in your stockpile. These products may become difficult to find during emergencies, so having a sufficient supply will prevent unnecessary stress and discomfort.


Preparing for emergencies and uncertain situations requires careful planning and consideration. It is important to understand your individual calorie needs and invest in high-protein foods to ensure you have the necessary sustenance for survival. Additionally, stocking up on water from various sources and collecting rainwater will provide you with the vital resource during times of crisis.

Building your own stockpile of food, water, first aid supplies, medications, hygiene products, and sanitation items is crucial. It is also essential to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge through training to respond effectively to emergencies. Prepping requires continuous learning and adaptation, taking into account your geographical location and the specific natural disasters that may occur there.

By taking the time, energy, and financial investment to prepare, you can safeguard yourself and your loved ones when unexpected disasters and emergencies arise. The Practical Prepper Blog and Valley Food Storage are valuable resources that can provide you with the essential survival skills needed to navigate through challenging times.

How do you start prepping for beginners?

Starting to prep as a beginner involves conducting a personal risk assessment to identify the specific threats you could potentially face. By understanding these risks, you can then prioritize your efforts and allocate resources accordingly. Once you have this knowledge, it is crucial to start with the fundamentals of survival: water, food, shelter, fuel, and sanitation.

To begin, ensure you have access to clean drinking water by storing an adequate supply or investing in water purification methods. Next, stock up on non-perishable foods that provide essential nutrients and can sustain you in case of emergencies. Additionally, create a safe and secure shelter, whether it's in your home or a designated location, to protect against harsh weather conditions or other potential dangers. Furthermore, stockpile fuel sources such as firewood or alternative energy options to heat and cook. Lastly, pay attention to sanitation needs by having basic hygiene supplies, waste disposal methods, and first aid kits.

Remember, starting with these core elements will provide a solid foundation for your prepping journey as a beginner. Take gradual steps and continuously educate yourself on survival skills and emergency preparedness to enhance your readiness for any situation.

What are the first items for prepping?

Having a reliable, high-quality torch is a crucial item for prepping. Blackouts are a common emergency, and being able to navigate in the dark is essential. Whether it's a power outage or venturing into an unfamiliar area, a torch provides light and helps maintain safety.

Another essential item for prepping is a supply of at least 10 liters of water per person. Clean drinking water is vital for survival, and having an adequate reserve ensures hydration during emergencies when access to clean water may be limited. Water is necessary not only for drinking but also for cooking, cleaning, and personal hygiene. Having a sufficient supply of water is a fundamental step in being prepared for any situation.

Is it a good idea to start prepping?

In today's uncertain world, starting prepping is not just a good idea, it is a necessary step towards ensuring your survival. While it may seem overwhelming at first, prepping can make a significant difference between life and death in times of crisis. By being prepared, you are equipping yourself with the necessary tools, resources, and skills to navigate through unforeseen circumstances effectively.

Imagine a scenario where a natural disaster strikes, leaving you stranded and without access to essential supplies. However, as a prepared individual, you have stored an emergency kit, sufficient food, water, and means of communication. This level of preparedness will not only provide you with comfort but will potentially save your life and the lives of your loved ones. Prepping enables you to be self-sufficient, adapt to challenging situations, and make rational decisions when faced with adversity. Take charge of your future and start prepping today – your life may depend on it.

How to start prepping with no money?

If you're starting prepping with no money, it's crucial to utilize your creativity and resourcefulness. For instance, you can create your own emergency stove using materials you already have at home, such as tin cans or bricks. By repurposing these items, you can develop a functional cooking alternative without spending any money. Similarly, instead of purchasing candles, you can make your own by using leftover wax from old candles or by melting down crayons. This DIY approach not only saves you money but also allows you to customize the candle size and fragrance according to your preferences.

Moreover, instead of investing in expensive MREs (meals ready to eat), you can prepare your own by assembling non-perishable food items from your pantry, such as canned goods, dried fruits, and nuts. This homemade MRE approach enables you to control the nutritional content of the meals while tailoring them to your dietary needs. Additionally, instead of buying a survival belt, you can fashion one out of paracord, which is a durable and versatile material. By learning a few basic knot techniques, you can create a functional and reliable belt that can be disassembled in case of emergency to provide you with essential cordage.