72 Hour Emergency Kit Checklist: Essential Items for Survival

Non-Perishable Food And Water

One of the most essential items to include in your 72-hour emergency kit is non-perishable food. It is recommended to have a minimum three-day to one-week supply for each person. This can include items such as canned food, energy bars, and dried foods. It is important to periodically check and replace these items to ensure they remain fresh and safe to consume. Don’t forget to also include a manual can opener to access canned food.

In addition to food, water is another critical necessity. It is recommended to have four liters of water per person, per day for both drinking and sanitation purposes. This includes two liters for drinking and an additional two liters for other needs such as cooking and cleaning. It is also advisable to include small bottles of water for convenient use. Remember to periodically check the expiration dates on water bottles and replace them as needed.

Essential Communication And Power Sources

During an emergency situation, it is crucial to stay connected and informed. Make sure your 72-hour emergency kit includes a phone charger, power bank, or inverter to keep your devices powered. This will enable you to make emergency calls, receive updates from authorities, or reach out to loved ones for assistance.

Also, remember to include a battery-powered or hand-crank radio in your emergency kit. This will help you stay informed about the situation and receive updates on weather conditions or evacuation notices. A reliable radio can be a lifeline during times of crisis.

Emergency Equipment: Radio, Flashlight, And Batteries

Essential items for emergency kit:

  • Radio: Provides information and updates during emergencies.
  • Flashlight: Battery-powered or hand-cranked for illumination.
  • Extra batteries: Include for both flashlight and radio.
  • Ensure functionality: Test and replace batteries regularly.

During power outages or low visibility situations, a battery-powered or hand-crank flashlight is essential to have alongside a radio in your emergency kit. This provides necessary illumination and helps navigate through the darkness. Remember to include extra batteries for both the flashlight and radio, ensuring they remain functional throughout the emergency period.

“Having a reliable light source is crucial during emergencies, as it helps to stay informed and navigate safely.”

First-Aid Kit And Necessary Medications

A well-stocked first-aid kit is indispensable during emergencies when medical assistance may be limited.

Include essential supplies such as:

  • bandages
  • gauze
  • antiseptic creams
  • pain relievers

It is also important to include any necessary prescription medications for individuals in your household. Keep these medications properly labeled and consider including a brief medical history for each family member in case professional medical assistance is required.

Personal Hygiene And Toiletry Items

Maintaining personal hygiene is essential even during emergency situations. It is important to include the following basic toiletry items in your emergency kit:

  • Toothbrushes
  • Toothpaste
  • Soap
  • Shampoo
  • Toilet paper

Additionally, hand sanitizer should be included to ensure cleanliness and prevent the spread of infections. Garbage bags and moist towelettes are also useful for personal sanitation purposes.

Remember to prioritize personal hygiene to stay healthy and prevent the spread of germs during emergency situations.

  • Toothbrushes
  • Toothpaste
  • Soap
  • Shampoo
  • Toilet paper
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Garbage bags
  • Moist towelettes

Important Documents And Cash

In times of emergency, having access to important documents becomes crucial. Keep copies of identification papers, insurance documents, and other important records in a waterproof container within your emergency kit. Having these documents readily available will facilitate any necessary administrative processes during and after the emergency.

Do not forget to include cash in small bills in your emergency kit. During emergencies, ATMs and credit card processing systems may be inaccessible. Having cash on hand can be useful for purchasing supplies or services when traditional payment methods are not an option.

Clothing, Bedding, And Sanitation Supplies

Include the following items in your emergency kit:

  • Seasonal clothing and sturdy footwear for each household member to protect against harsh weather conditions and enable mobility during evacuation.
  • An emergency blanket or sleeping bag for each household member for warmth and comfort.

In addition, ensure that you include the following sanitation supplies:

  • Dust masks to protect against airborne particles, particularly if you need to evacuate through smoke or debris.
  • Whistles which can attract attention and signal for help.

Remember to be prepared for any emergency situation by having these essential items ready in your emergency kit.

Additional Supplies For Specific Needs

Consider the specific needs of everyone in your household when preparing your emergency kit. Include necessary supplies for infants, such as formula, baby food, and diapers. If there are pets in your household, don’t forget to pack pet food and necessary supplies.

For families with children, add activities such as books, puzzles, or toys to help keep them occupied and calm during the emergency. Basic tools like a hammer, pliers, wrenches, screwdrivers, and work gloves can be useful in situations where repairs or improvisations may be needed. If you have specific medical conditions or require medical equipment, ensure that your emergency kit contains the necessary supplies.

Preparing a 72-hour emergency kit with these essential items will increase your chances of survival and comfort during an emergency. Regularly review and refresh the contents of your kit to ensure that everything remains up to date and in working order.

  • Consider the specific needs of everyone in your household
  • Pack necessary supplies for infants and pets
  • Add activities for children to keep them occupied
  • Include basic tools for possible repairs or improvisations
  • Ensure your kit contains supplies for specific medical conditions
  • Regularly review and refresh the contents of your kit to keep it up to date

What should I put in a 72 hour emergency kit?

In addition to the listed essential items, here are a few more necessities you should consider including in your 72-hour emergency kit. First, it's crucial to pack a first aid kit with essential medical supplies, such as bandages, pain relievers, and antiseptic solutions. Additionally, include a multipurpose tool that can serve various functions like cutting, opening cans, or even starting a fire. It's also wise to pack personal hygiene items like toilet paper, wet wipes, and hand sanitizer to maintain cleanliness and prevent the spread of germs. Finally, include a sturdy tarp or emergency blanket for shelter and warmth, as well as important documents and cash in a waterproof bag for quick access in case of evacuation.

What are 10 items you need for an emergency kit?

A survivalist knows the importance of being prepared for any emergency situation. In their emergency kit, they would make sure to include 10 essential items. First, a trustworthy flashlight with extra batteries will provide them with reliable light when needed. A whistle can be a lifesaver, as it can signal for help in situations where verbal communication is difficult. To protect themselves from airborne particles, a dust mask is a must-have item. Local maps will help them navigate and find the best routes to safety. A manual can opener ensures they can access food without electricity or other modern conveniences. A battery-powered or hand-cranked radio keeps them updated with the latest news and emergency broadcasts. To keep children occupied and their minds off the crisis, books, games, puzzles, or other activities for children are essential. And last but not least, a well-stocked first aid kit will provide them with necessary medical supplies to treat any injuries that may occur.

How much water do I need for a 72-hour kit?

When it comes to preparing a 72-hour survival kit, ensuring an adequate water supply is crucial. The recommended amount of water is one gallon per person per day for at least three days, considering both drinking and sanitation needs. It is essential to prioritize hydration, as water is vital for maintaining bodily functions and preventing dehydration, especially in emergency situations. Additionally, having a sufficient water supply can enable basic sanitation practices, contributing to overall hygiene and health during the 72-hour period. Remember, always plan and allocate water accordingly to ensure the well-being of everyone in your family during an emergency.

Aside from water, it is also essential to include other items in your 72-hour kit. Non-perishable food should be packed, ensuring a three-day supply for every individual in your family. This can include items with a long shelf life, such as canned goods, dried fruits, nuts, and nutrition bars. In addition to food, having a battery-powered or hand-crank radio, along with a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert, can provide important updates and information about the situation during emergencies. These radios can be vital for staying connected to emergency broadcasts and receiving official instructions, helping you make informed decisions and stay safe during critical times.

What is a 3 day emergency kit?

A 3 day emergency kit is a compact and essential supply package designed to sustain one individual, whether it be a student or staff member, in emergency situations for up to three days. It includes vital items such as water, food, light sources, warmth provisions, and shelter materials. Enclosed in a SecurSeal zipper bag, which effectively keeps moisture out, this kit ensures that all necessary supplies remain intact and accessible during an evacuation. With its convenient die-cut handle, carrying the kit becomes effortless and efficient, enabling individuals to easily transport their emergency survival kit to safety.