What Appliances Can A 9000 Watt Generator Run During a Power Outage


During a power outage, the most essential function of a generator is to power the lights in your home. A 9000-watt generator is capable of running a variety of lighting options and keeping your living space illuminated. Whether you have overhead lights, lamps, or even outdoor lighting, a generator of this size should have no problem supplying the electricity needed for these fixtures.

It is important to note that LED and CFL lights consume less energy compared to incandescent ones. So, using energy-efficient bulbs can maximize the number of lights you can power with a 9000-watt generator. Additionally, if you have dimmer switches, ensure they are turned to the lowest setting during the power outage to save energy.

  • Use energy-efficient bulbs (LED and CFL)
  • Dimmer switches should be set to the lowest setting to save energy.

Washing Machine

During a power outage, having access to clean clothes can be incredibly inconvenient. However, a 9000-watt generator can solve this problem by powering most washing machines.

  • It is important to note that some washing machines might have higher power requirements, especially during motor startup.
  • To ensure compatibility, consult the user manual of your specific model or check the power ratings on the appliance itself.
  • Avoid running the washing machine simultaneously with other high-power appliances to prevent overloading the generator.

“Clean clothes are a necessity, and with a 9000-watt generator, you can keep up with your laundry needs even during a power outage.”

  • Make sure to consult the user manual or check the power ratings for compatibility.
  • Avoid running the washing machine alongside other high-power appliances.


While a 9000-watt generator can power a washing machine, running a dryer may require more electricity. Dryers typically have higher energy demands due to their heating elements and motor. As a result, it is unlikely that a 9000-watt generator will be able to handle the power requirements of a standard residential dryer.

However, some energy-efficient dryers may have lower power requirements, making them compatible with a generator of this size. It is best to check the user manual or power ratings of your specific dryer to determine if it can be operated with a 9000-watt generator. In cases where the generator cannot support the dryer, alternative drying methods such as air-drying or using a portable drying rack can be considered.


During a power outage, it is crucial to have the ability to heat food quickly. A 9000-watt generator is more than capable of operating a microwave, which typically requires around 600 to 1500 watts of power, depending on its size and wattage rating.

To make the most of the generator’s capacity, it is recommended to opt for lower wattage microwave models as they consume less power. This way, you can efficiently utilize the generator’s power. However, it is important to avoid running other high-power appliances simultaneously with the microwave to prevent overloading the generator and potentially tripping the circuit breaker.

  • Choose lower wattage microwave models to consume less power.
  • Avoid running other high-power appliances simultaneously with the microwave to prevent overloading the generator.
  • Be cautious of the circuit breaker and prevent it from tripping.


Preserving perishable food items during a power outage is crucial for health and safety. A 9000-watt generator is sufficient to power a standard refrigerator, provided it is the only major appliance running at the same time. Refrigerators generally consume around 100 to 800 watts, depending on their size, age, and energy efficiency rating.

It is essential to consider the starting wattage of a refrigerator, as it usually requires a higher burst of power to kickstart the compressor. This starting power is typically two to three times the running wattage. While a 9000-watt generator can handle this initial surge, it is recommended to avoid operating other high-power appliances simultaneously to prevent overloading the generator.

Coffee Makers

Nothing beats a freshly brewed cup of coffee to start your day, even during a power outage. Luckily, a 9000-watt generator can easily power most coffee makers, allowing you to enjoy your favorite hot beverages. Coffee makers generally consume around 600 to 1200 watts, depending on their size and brewing method.

To prevent wasting energy, here are a few tips:

  • Choose a coffee maker that suits your needs and avoid running it continuously.
  • Once the coffee is brewed, turn off the coffee maker and unplug it from the generator to save power.
  • Consider using low-power alternatives like a French press or a stovetop coffee maker to further conserve electricity.

Remember, it’s important to make smart choices even in situations like a power outage. Stay caffeinated and energy-conscious!


Cooking meals during a power outage can be a challenge without a functioning stove. However, a 9000-watt generator can power electric ranges with multiple burners, allowing you to prepare meals as you normally would. Electric ranges generally have power requirements ranging from 2000 to 5000 watts, depending on the number of burners and their wattage.

When using an electric range with a generator, it is crucial to manage the load carefully. Here are some tips to help you:

  • Limit the number of burners you use simultaneously: By using only one or two burners at a time, you can ensure that the load on the generator is not excessive.
  • Avoid using the oven and high-powered appliances concurrently: Using the oven along with other high-powered appliances, such as a microwave or electric kettle, can overload the generator. It is better to use these appliances one at a time.

By distributing the load and being mindful of power consumption, you can successfully utilize the electricity provided by a 9000-watt generator to cook meals during a power outage.

Remember to always prioritize safety and consult the manufacturer’s guidelines for both the generator and electric range. Stay safe and stay prepared!

  • Generate sufficient power: A 9000-watt generator can power electric ranges with multiple burners.
  • Manage the load carefully: Limit the number of burners used simultaneously and avoid using the oven and high-powered appliances concurrently.

Can a 9000 watt generator power a house?

Yes, a 9000 watt generator can power a house. With its capacity ranging between 7000 to 9000 watts, it is capable of supplying sufficient power to run essential home systems. This generator can easily handle the simultaneous operation of crucial appliances like sump pumps, freezers, refrigerators, and furnaces. These appliances typically consume up to 4000 watts collectively, leaving ample power for other necessary equipment and maintaining the comfort and functionality of a home.

How long will a 9000 watt generator run on a 20 lb propane tank?

A 9000 watt generator running on a 20 lb propane tank will typically run for approximately 5 hours. However, it is important to note that the actual runtime may vary based on factors such as the load being placed on the generator and the efficiency of the specific generator model. It is crucial to monitor the propane levels and have additional propane tanks available for extended power needs, especially during emergencies or prolonged off-grid situations. Being prepared with extra fuel can ensure a continuous power supply for an extended period.

What size generator do I need for a 1500 square foot house?

When considering the size of a generator for a 1500 square foot house, several factors come into play. For instance, if the house solely relies on electrical power, it could require a generator with a capacity ranging from 38 kilowatts to 48 kilowatts. This calculation takes into account the energy demands of various appliances, lighting, heating, and cooling systems within the home. In comparison, a larger 3000 square foot house that operates primarily on natural gas could potentially function efficiently with a generator providing 20 kilowatts of power. The difference in energy requirements is influenced by the type of fuel used and the appliances and systems utilized in each home.

What size generator do I need for a 2000 square foot house?

When considering the size of a generator for a 2000 square foot house, it is important to take into account the energy requirements of the various appliances and devices. On average, a 2,000 square foot home may require around 30,000 watts hours (30kWh) to ensure all devices, appliances, laundry, air conditioning, and heating units are powered for a day. To cater to this energy demand, it is recommended to consider a generator with an AC output of approximately 5000 watts, as this should be sufficient to simultaneously power the essential appliances in a 2,000 square foot house. By selecting a generator of this capacity, you can ensure that your household's power needs are met, keeping you comfortable and secure during any outages.